Donations Info

Donations via our Website

Thank you for considering a donation via our website.

This is a short guide as to how it works.

Donation by Gift aid
If you are not currently a registered member or registered visitor of Caversham Park Church then you will be asked to register after clicking on the ‘Donation – Blue Button’ before you can log-in and make your donation.  Once logged in you will be able to select you payment option and update your details (if required), please note your address details requested are separate to any other details we may hold on you as these are for financial purposes only.   Log-In/Log-Out is required as we are required to protect you information to the highest standard and retain it for the purposes as stated in our ‘GDPR Policy document‘ to aid our operations only and in the case of a Gift -aid donation we use your details to claim the gift-aid from HMRC.

Go to your gift-aid donation (Select)

Donation with no Gift-aid claim
If you are not currently a registered member or registered visitor of Caversham Park Church then you will be asked to register after clicking on the ‘Donation – Blue Button’ before you can log-in and make your donation. Once logged in you will be able to select you payment option and update your details (if required), please note your address details requested are separate to any other details we may hold on you as these are for financial purposes only.  Log-In/Log-Out is required as we are required to protect you information to the highest standard and retain it for the purposes as stated in our ‘GDPR Policy document‘ to aid our operations only.

Go to your non gift-aid donation (Select)


What information de we hold in both case above?

We hold only your name, email address, main address and telephone number for operational purposes only.

All credit card or on-line payment option details are held only by our clearing Bank/Agents (We do not hold any of this information for your protection).

Our Banking/clearing agents are:

1. Stripe (Visit Website)
2. PayPal (Visit Website)


So now you know how it works, why do we require a gratefully received donation?

Church isn’t about money. But we need some money to carry out our activities, whether in normal times or during the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the responsibilities of every Christian is to contribute what we can to paying for these activities.

In normal times, we get well over 90% of our income from donations, either collected during services or paid by standing order. About a third of our expenditure is contributions to our four parent denominations – the total we pay is intended to be similar to what a single-denomination church would contribute to one of them. This is a fundamental obligation of any church that is linked to the worldwide Church of God.

Other significant payments that we make are for the hire of the school hall where we meet, donations to external charities of 10% of our income, the costs of mission work, and the day to day general running costs.

We currently have a substantial deficit, equal to about 32% of our expenditure. We can only sustain this because some years ago we received a generous legacy from the late Hugh Carter. This won’t last for ever, and we would much rather keep it so that we can make substantial future investments in spreading the Good News.

During the pandemic, our services at the school have temporally stopped due to restrictions imposed on us by the Coronavirus pandemic, and so collections have stopped too. If you normally give money us via the collection at services, please either save it up to give to us when we can meet again, or even better, send us money now. This can be done via a standing order from your bank or via our new website on-line donation portal – and if you can, please make a Gift Aid declaration if you haven’t already done so.

So please do pray about what you can give, and donate what you can.

To set up a Standing Order or Gift Aid, or for any questions, please contact Robert Dimmick at or on the form below:

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