URC Daily Devotion Sunday 21st June 2020

Sunday 21st June 2020  Psalm 2                Why Do the Nations Rage This works particularly well to the tune Love Unkown. Why do the nations rageagainst God’s righteous reign,assuming that the law issome restrictive chain?Enthroned on high, God hears their cry –And knows their threats are all in vain. … [Read more…]

URC Daily Devotion Sunday 14th June 2020

Sunday 14th June  Psalms for All Seasons Psalm 1   TreesSuggested Tune Dix Tree of Wisdom, fruitful, green,flourishing beside the stream;spread your knowledge day and night;make your law my true delight.Fashion me, O Lord, to bestrong and splendid as a tree. Tree of Justice, ever bless;shade me with your righteousness.Teach me how to live your … [Read more…]