Author: Alison Johnston
Guide to using this study material
General These multi-media study courses are produced in a study/discussion format and may be used in a group or for self-learning. These study sessions are based on books that are available from the Open Bible Trust. It is not essential to have the book available but would be useful for reference, where possible we have … [Read more…]
An Overview of the Bible study (OBT)
An Overview of the Bible is a series of 6 talks, this series starts in Genesis 12 with the call of Abram, and then follows chronologically God’s dealings with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who became Israel and the father of the Twelve Tribes. Then comes Moses and the Law, the Judges and the Kings, and … [Read more…]
Theories of Creation study (OBT)
This is a series of 14 talks, based on Sylvia Penny’s book ‘Theories of Creation‘ published by The Open Bible Trust. It gives details of five main interpretations of Genesis and links this with different scientific views. Creation is a fascinating subject! It is a subject about which there are many theories, in both the … [Read more…]
Introducing God’s Plan study (OBT)
This is a series of 16 talks, Now many people have a good knowledge of some of the events recorded in the Bible. However, they are less sure as to the order of these events, or how they fit into God’s plan and purpose. They are aware of certain details in the Bible, but lack … [Read more…]
Living According to the Spirit study (OBT)
This series of four studies focuses on Romans chapter 8, and one particular aspect of that chapter – Living According to the Spirit. This first study, and the second one, considers what Paul means by ‘Living in the Spirit’, and the third and fourth studies looks at ‘how’ we can live that way, a way … [Read more…]
The Fruit Of the Spirit study (OBT)
This is a series of 11 talks, in this series we look at Galatians 5:19-23 where Paul contrasts ‘The Acts of the Sinful Nature’ with the ‘The Fruit of the Spirit’. The virtues associated with ‘The Fruit of the Spirit’ are well-known, but are they fully understood? If we need to practice these, we really do … [Read more…]
In Heavenly Places study (OBT)
This is a series of 6 talks, based on Sylvia Penny’s book ‘Theories of Creation‘ published by The Open Bible Trust. It gives details of five main interpretations of Genesis and links this with different scientific views. Click here to go to study modules. Website for more information: Open Bible Trust Viewing Warning: If viewing … [Read more…]
Titus: The man and the Letter study (OBT)
This is a series of 5 talks about Paul’s little letter to Titus which is a masterpiece. It keeps the Christian focused on God’s priorities. – it contains the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, it contains teaching for good living, and it contains nothing else! But, some may … [Read more…]
The life of Paul study (OBT)
This is a series of 16 talks covering the Apostle Paul who has often been considered a controversial character. Some writers have suggested that on certain doctrines he changed his mind. Other claim that as Paul grew older he developed his theology and changed some of his teachings. “One good reason why Christianity was triumphant … [Read more…]