URC Daily Devotion Sunday 30 October 2022

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Sunday 30 October 2022
Psalm 113

Bless the Lord, O saints and servants,
praise the might of God’s great name;
ageless, matchless, filled with wonder,
yesterday, today, the same.
When the dawn receives the sunrise
till the night returns its rays,
shall the glory of God’s goodness
be the theme of all our praise.

Who in heaven can be God’s equal,
who on earth with God compare?
Who can raise the poor from ashes,
lift the needy from despair?
God alone invites the helpless
with the strong to share reward;
fields once barren yield a harvest ul —
tongues once silent praise their Lord!

Michael Morgan © 2011 Faith Alive Christian Resources
You can hear the first verse sung here:


Psalm 113 is an invitation to uninhibited worship of voices, minds and our whole being. This Psalm of profound praise is the first of “the Egyptian Hallel” series (113-118). They are sung at the feast of the Passover. Psalm 113 focuses on God’s regard for those in need and for those who cannot conceive children. It is a Psalm of great contrasts, the exalted God who looks down and lifts those who are low.
The Hebrew name of the angel called Michael means “Who is like God?” St. Michael, with the Psalmist of Psalm 113, reminds us to wonder at just how great God is. The remains of Coventry’s medieval Cathedral of St. Michael are a place of prayer and reconciliation.

This year there was a wonderful, joyful Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for the 20th century’s Coventry Cathedral Diamond Jubilee. www.coventrycathedral.org.uk

An inspiring new hymn, was sung. Words used here with permission.


Be in our midst and gather us together,
and let your loving-kindness be our guide,
Help us discern your image in each other,
and walk with humble footsteps by your side.
Send us to work, O Lord, Almighty Giver,
‘Til all who thirst and hunger now are filled,
Let justice thunder like a mighty river,
And let the storms of strife and conflict now be stilled.

Grant us that peace beyond the mind’s discerning.
Help us to live the truth that sets us free.
And may the Spirit’s fire within us burning 
help us to become who we are called to be.
In eager longing for your new creation,
a world reshaped by love and hope and grace,
with Christ the Prince of Peace as our foundation,
we’ll build your kingdom now in this and every place.

© Ally Barrett, Tune Londonderry





Today’s writer

The Rev’d Mary Taylor, retired minister living in the Scottish Borders and pastoral friend, Wooler URC, Northern Synod


New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicized Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Copyright © 2022 United Reformed Church, All rights reserved.

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