Women in the Messianic Line

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Women in the Messianic Line

Dear Friends,

I hope our long read through Acts has been interesting – we don’t often read the whole book through and only some of it appears in the regular cycle of readings we hear on Sundays.  

To start off our Advent reflections we’re going to be looking at the women who appear in St Matthew’s list of Jesus’ ancestors.  We often skip over the genealogies in St Matthew and St Luke as being a bit dull yet both the editors of those Gospels felt they were important enough to include. 

Over the next week we will think of genealogies in general and look, in particular at five women who are named amongst the many men –

  • Tamar who used her sexuality to fight for her rights,
  • Rehab the sex worker who saved God’s people,
  • Ruth, the pagan who joined herself Isreal,
  • Bathsheba raped by King David, and
  • Mary, the mother of Jesus. 

These Women in the Messianic line have much to teach us.


with every good wish




The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship







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