Faith, Hope and Riches in Christ – Study 2: Hope

Study 2


A study discussion on Hope provided by the Open Bible Trust.


In part 1 Sylvia Penny looks at the word HOPE as it is used, mainly as a verb – we hope … Whereas in part 2 Michael Penny considers it as a noun, what is our hope?

The books ‘Spiritual Blessings in heavenly realms‘ by Brian Sherring and ‘Sit! Walk! Stand! The Christians Life in Ephesians‘ by William Henry and Michael Penny are available as eBooks from Amazon and Apple, and as paperback from Amazon.

The book referred to in question time was ‘The Will of God: Past and Present: In the Bible & in the 21sr Century” which is also available as an eBook from Amazon and Apple, and as a paperback from Amazon.


Permission for use from Michael Penny of the Open Bible Trust – 26 October 2020
Website for more information: Open Bible Trust

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