URC Daily Devotion Sunday 21st June 2020

Sunday 21st June 2020  Psalm 2               

Why Do the Nations Rage
This works particularly well to the tune Love Unkown.

Why do the nations rage
against God’s righteous reign,
assuming that the law is
some restrictive chain?
Enthroned on high, God hears their cry –
And knows their threats are all in vain.

For by divine decree 
heaven’s purpose is made known:
God’s one and only Son now
sits on Zion’s throne;
His many foes He overthrows
And claims the nations as His own.

Give honour to the Son:
be wise, and seek His face,
for those who spurn God’s law risk
judgment and disgrace –
So come, draw near in reverent fear,
and He will be your hiding place.


Have you ever been Ofsteded?  Inspected by Her Majesty’s Government’s body responsible for education?  It’s a daunting experience especially when in the early days of teaching experience.  But if you are doing your best you have nothing to fear.  Have you ever been done for speeding?   Speed cameras are seen as the bane of some people’s life, but if you are abiding by the speed limit they are nothing to fear.  We rail against anything that “catches us out” doing something we shouldn’t – whether that is “big brother” watching us or having an authority figure in the room.  But God’s law is there to protect us, not oppress us.  It is there to show us the right way to live, not to restrict our living.  May we show obedience to the law without challenging the law-giver and so show true reverence to God and so live in peace.


Lord, we may say that rules are made to be broken, but your rules are to be obeyed.  Help us to keep to your law that we may walk the narrow path of truth and not stray for our own benefit.  Guide  us in our daily living that we may know your rules yet not feel restricted by following them.  Keep us safe in your loving care.  Amen