URC Daily Devotion Friday 18th September 2020 Creation 5

Friday 18th September 2020 Creation 5 Isaiah 24: 4-6 The earth dries up and withers,    the world languishes and withers;    the heavens languish together with the earth.The earth lies polluted    under its inhabitants;for they have transgressed laws,    violated the statutes,    broken the everlasting covenant.Therefore a curse devours the earth,    and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt;therefore the inhabitants of the earth … [Read more…]

A Week on Creation

A Week of Creation Dear <<First Name>> I hope you’ve found our, long, journey through Exodus has been fruitful.  Like Genesis, it is a book we think we know but are always surprised by.  We leave that book now and spend a week thinking about Creation. In response to a call from the Ecumenical Patriarch many … [Read more…]